Meet The Management Team In Kenya

We are best with a great group of talented and dedicated employees

An American champion and a Kenyan champion 

Riding together and making history in Kenya

Director Florah


A skilled pharmacist by trade, a devoted leader of Promise Springs Rescue Center


  • Executive administrator
  • holds a business degree
  • wife of Pastor David
  • She is soft spoken and with a heart full of compassion

Bishop Charles

  • Pastor and councilor to the girls
  • Supervisor of onion cash crops 
  • Community leader for 40 years
  • Devoted father and husband 
  • PSRC board member


  • Lead House mom with a heart full of love for young girls and their babies
  • PSRC board member
  • Praise and worship leader


  • A caring house mom
  • Social worker for the center
  • Home visit coordinator
  • PSRC committee member


  • Lead cook for the center
  • lives in staff quarters at the center
  • has many years experience as a cook



Nanny for the babies
  • lives in local community 
  • a great care giver to the babies


  • the daytime guard
  • motorcycle driver
  • memorial garden caretaker
  • storeroom overseer

Joseph; Nighttime guard

  • rewarded as the outstanding staff member in first half 2022


  • lead farm worker
  • lives in local community
  • hard working and dedicated to the center and the well-being of the moms
  • leads bible study on Monday mornings for the workers


  • farm worker
  • cash crop specialist
  • backup for the guards


  • driver for the center's vehicles
  • responsible for overall care and maintence of the vehicles


  • Gardener
  • cares for the grounds
  • backup to farmers and guards
  • chop firewood for the cook
  • cares for chickens and sheep/goatsĀ 

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