Thanksgiving Fundraiser Update, New Challenge, Latest News

Nov 11, 2022

TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!!!  The Thanksgiving Fundraiser was very successful this last week.  Check out the thermometer!

The American Board of Two Burning Candles and the Committee of Promise Springs Rescue Center were so encouraged that we took a huge step in faith and began construction on the Early Childhood Development Center !!  There were many reasons for this decision: 1.  The total cost for this project is $18,500.  We are SO close, it seemed unfaithful not to put the generosity of these sponsors to immediate use.  2.  The need is great.  There are seven applicants waiting for admission and the babies NEED a place to be cared for and taught during the day while the moms and girls have their space for sleeping and keeping their belongings.  3.  The people in the local area NEED jobs.  Economically, they are all struggling and why wait to give them the opportunity to provide for their families.  The progress has been amazing as you can see from the photos below:
We have been blessed with a new challenge for the fundraiser.  One of our sponsors wants the word of what is happening at Promise Springs Rescue Center and the surrounding area to spread.  This person knows that you may not have the ability to give but feels that you have the ability to share the work that God is doing for these young girls and their babies, so he has issued this challenge.
He will match $25.00 of the first $25.00 given by someone who has never donated to Two Burning Candles before.  The total possible gift is up to $2,500.00.  So just by sharing, having 100 people give for the first time, the funds raised will cover the remainder of the Early Childhood Development Center and get the Men's Conference Center started.  The Men's Conference Center will be used to bring young men in and teach the values that will help them to respect women as the Bible teaches.  This will be a start of decreasing the problem of teenage pregnancy in Kenya.  The board of Two Burning Candles and the staff of Promise Springs Rescue Center know that we have to not only support the girls who fall victim to pregnancy but help to stop it at the root and that is by changing the way young men and adult men in Kenya view the worth of women in their culture by teaching them Biblical truths.  This cannot be done without your help.
Forward this email to your friends.  Donations can be made by going to the link below and clicking the donate button :
or by mailing a check to:
Two Burning Candles
P. O. Box 7932 
Ocean Isle Beach, NC. 28468
100% of your donation goes to the projects in Kenya.
The hunger situation in Kenya right now is huge.  We have been sent photos of children just laying on the ground during lunch at school because there is no food.  The meal at school is sometimes the ONLY meal these children get during the course of a day.  One of our previous team members who had money left from a fundraising project gave us permission to use the money to help feed these children for a short while.  The food was delivered this week.
Porridge was milled and delivered to Magutu PrePrimary school and beans and oil were delivered to Kahutha Primary school.  The beans and oil were given to supplement rice given by another organization.  William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, said, "You cannot warm the hearts of people with God's love if they have an empty stomach and cold feet."  We pray for better times for Kenya.  We give thanks and glory to God to be allowed to help in the hard times.  As we travel to Kenya in December, we plan to purchase food and make care packages for the girls at the center to deliver to needy neighbors alongside those Americans who will be there.  This will be a way to celebrate what God has done for us and to share with those less fortunate.  We teach by example and pray that this will be a valuable lesson to the girls as they go forward into their adult lives.  Watch the video below of the children saying thank you for the food.
May God Bless you for your support and remember to share Two Burning Candles with those who have not yet heard of us,
The Board of Two Burning Candles and the Staff of Promise Springs Rescue Center

Donate Today!

What does your donation do?

  • Give teenage mothers the opportunity to finish their education while learning the Word of God and how to be mothers
  • Give babies a safe place in which to grow
  • Remove vulnerable girls from dangerous conditions 
  • Sustain a farm which provides jobs and  feeds the girls and babies 
  • Share the gospel in the local community

100% of your donation funds the mission. 


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